Let's Talk about... Frames

Throwin’ it back on Thursday and Flashin’ it back on Friday to when I gave a lecture on picture frames during the High Point Furniture Market at the Antique and Design Center a few years ago. When I was tasked to come up with a topic, I immediately thought of how I got into the antiques business... frames. They are at once artistic and utilitarian, art and furniture, something that adds beauty and something that protects beauty. I was in awe of their multi-tasking! So when I needed to fill an hour or so, I hit the books and wrote out an entire spiral bound notebook of text. Adding in images of frames, frames on paintings, frames on mirrors, frames by themselves, frames used in completely different applications - I was astonished to see how many interior designers shared my love of frames. I gave a quick history of the frame going back to the 1300’s or so and taking them up to the present day. Gotta say, I was happy to see a packed lecture room and that everyone stayed awake. Ha ha ha. I think the shot (or two) before the lecture helped! ;-)

photo from the Antique and Design Center at High Point Furniture Market of Heather Karlie Vieira of HKFA giving a lecture on antique picture frames, their history, use in design and current application

photo from the Antique and Design Center at High Point Furniture Market of Heather Karlie Vieira of HKFA giving a lecture on antique picture frames, their history, use in design and current application